Should Dogs Drink 0% Beers?

Should Dogs Drink 0% Beers?
Continuing on from our viral blog of Should Kids Drink 0% Beers we are now asking the question of should your best buddy in the whole world be drinking them too? Now in research for this university grade thesis we found there is a surprising amount of dog beers around. In reality we know that dogs shouldn't be drinking beers HOWEVER, we do recommend them parking up on the couch beside you whilst the game is on or at a dog friendly bar for a cold one as well. 
These are our top dog beers that we recommend because your best friend has earned one after a hard day of sleeping, eating and sleeping some more.
  1. L'Barkery - With names like Pawroni and Paw Blonde, L'Barkery are on the cutting edge of whatever the hell is going on here. These dog beers are starting to sound better and better if you ask us!

  2. BeerDog - As the name would suggest, these guys make beer's for your dog and according to all the reviews, they make a good beer for your dog. Now personally we haven't tried them but from what we can tell, they are a hit!

  3. Tooth Brew - These guys are sporting one of the better brand names available and their dog beers match that quality. Made with all natural ingredients from Australia these beers are some of the best you can get for your best mate. 

  4. Slobberlicious - From one of the better names to one of the more questionable ones, we have Slobberlicious. Another all naturale beer that's clean and healthy from the wonderful world of WA. 

Our biggest takeaway from this has been if you want to really spice up the ads you are getting on Facebook and Instagram, do research on dog beers. If you are in the market for sharing a frothy one with your best friend then these four Australian brands are doing it the best and I can imagine after the hard day your dog has had, they've earned one of these! Make sure to grab your favourite friend some fresh gear as well here! DOG GEAR

Here some photos of our National Brand Manager Tiff's dog Biscuit and her beers!

It is important to note that while these non-alcoholic dog beers are safe for dogs to consume in moderation, they should not be given in large quantities. Dogs should always have access to clean drinking water and as with any new food or beverage, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian before giving it to your dog to ensure that it is safe for them to consume. 

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